Publications, books, thesis, websites and documentaries which references Artist and Writer Corina Duyn’s work, and story of live lived with M.E. Myalgic Encephomyelitis
It is wonderful for me to realize that although my work was created in a very solitairy existence, it has reached many other artists, students, and professors alike, who have made references to my work in their publication, books, thesis, talks and websites. Thank you all. If you like to do the same, please contact me and I gladly be of help.
(See also CV)
- 2023 I brought the dream of flying Case Study on Arts+Health 2020 My Art and M.E.: The Demands of a Creative Mind Arts+Health Perspective
- 2020 – Making the invisible visible: exploring life with chronic illness/disability, by Corina Duyn Journal of Applied Arts & Health Volume 11 numbers 1 &2
- 2020 Meet the Artist Arts & Disability Ireland
- 2020 – Puppet Place Podcast see here
- 2020 – Poetry readings of my work in ‘Into the Light’ by Sr. Stan, Michael Harding, and Nuala O’Connor – see videos HERE
- 2018 – Performing the fractured Self: Employing auto-ethnopuppetry to portray and challenge cultural and personal constructions of the disabled body by Emma C. Fisher PhD University of Limerick
- ‘The physical Body is the meeting place of worlds’: Depictions of the Disabled Body in Contemporary Physical Theatre Practice; with specific focus on DV8’s The Cost of Living and Candoco DanceCompany’s Unspoken Spoken. Mattea Daisy Maud Thomas-GrayDrama Dissertation, Bath Spa University
- 2017 – Psychiatry’s long and shameful involvement in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis; Straight-jacketed by empty air. Greg Crowhurst
- 2017 – Puppetry and M.E., an interview with Corina Duyn in Puppet Place newslettter
- 2017 – Puppetry as reinforcement or rupture of cultural perceptions of the disabled body, Laura Purcell-Gates & Emma Fisher (2017). Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 22:3, 363-372, DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2017.1329652
- 2015 – Transformation in Chronic Illness PhD paper by Bernadette Masterson. All Hallows College, Dublin
- 2014 – “ Disabilities, Art education, and Virtual worlds (chapter 16 in Explorations in Virtual Worlds: New digital multi-media literacy investigations for art education) Rick Garner, Ph.D., Kennesaw State University. Edited by May Stockrocki, National Art Education Association, USA (which has by egg image on the front cover.)
- 2012 – Cut Throat. Visualising Long Term Illness: Rachel Tynan. M.A. Design. NCAD. Thesis
- 2012 – My Journey. Michelle Clarke . Masters in Education. Anglian Ruskin University. Dissertation
- 2011/12 – The Creative Collective in Virtual Worlds: Potentials for Arts and Disabilities Rick Garner, Ph.D., Kennesaw State University. Lectures at American Art Therapy Association Conference. Lectures
- 2011 – Creative for a Second (Journal 4) Kirrily Anderson. Journals of art/writing by people living with M.E. 9 journals in total. Available see here
- 2010 – Art as Medicine, What are the benefits of art as medicine to the community. Katarzyna Ruthkowska. Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts. Waterford Institude of Technology. Thesis
- 2007 – Poem, and image from Hatched was republished in FACE ON, Disability Arts in Ireland and Beyond, (p. 18) published by Arts and Disability Ireland. ed. by Kaite O’Reilly.
- 2005 – MEme, Memes, and ME: Travel Home and Bodily Restrictions Pamela Moss, Studies inPolicy & Practice, University of Victoria, Canada. Lecture.
2003 – Fit to Fly, The Art of Corina Duyn DVD/Documentary. David Begley see here
- If you like to use images or text, or like to know more about my journey through art and writing, please contact me